Upgrading to the Latest Microsoft Project: Considerations for 2024

As we move further into 2024, the question of whether to upgrade to the latest version of Microsoft Project remains a common concern for project managers and organizations. With Microsoft continuously enhancing its project management software, it’s crucial to evaluate the pros and cons carefully before making the decision to upgrade.

Making the Case for the Upgrade

Here are some compelling reasons why you might consider upgrading to the latest version of Microsoft Project in 2024:

  • Your current version has reached the end of its support lifecycle, leaving you without access to critical security updates, bug fixes, and new features.
  • The latest version introduces game-changing features or improvements that can significantly boost productivity, collaboration, or reporting capabilities for your team.
  • Your organization has adopted cloud-based project management solutions like Project Online or Project for the web, necessitating an upgrade to maintain compatibility and take advantage of the latest integration capabilities.
  • Your team has encountered persistent software bugs or limitations that have been addressed in the newer versions, hindering your project management efficiency.
  • Your company provides software assurance, making the upgrade process more cost-effective and seamless.

Making the Case for Staying with the Same Version

On the other hand, there are valid reasons why sticking with your current version of Microsoft Project might be the better choice:

  • Your existing version meets your project management needs, and you haven’t encountered significant issues or limitations that warrant an immediate upgrade.
  • You have implemented workarounds or customizations that may not be compatible with the newer version, requiring additional time and resources for migration.
  • Budget constraints or organizational policies dictate a longer software refresh cycle, making an immediate upgrade impractical or financially unfeasible.
  • Your team requires extensive training and adjustment time to transition to the new user interface or feature set, potentially disrupting ongoing projects.
  • You lack the necessary IT resources or infrastructure to support a seamless upgrade process across your organization.

As you consider upgrading to the latest Microsoft Project version in 2024, it’s crucial to weigh these factors against your organization’s specific needs, resources, and project management maturity. Conduct a thorough cost-benefit analysis, involve key stakeholders, and assess the potential impact on your team’s productivity and workflows.

Remember, the decision to upgrade should be driven by tangible benefits and efficiency gains, not merely the allure of new features or marketing hype. By carefully evaluating your unique circumstances, you can make an informed choice that aligns with your organization’s project management objectives and long-term strategy.

Engaging with the project management community, attending industry events, and consulting with experts can provide valuable insights to guide your decision-making process further. Stay tuned for the latest developments and best practices in project management software to ensure your organization remains competitive and efficient in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

Written by The MPUG Community
MPUG has a global network of over 200,000 project management professionals across 170+ countries. For over 25 years, it has served as a premier platform fostering connection, knowledge sharing, and professional development within the project management community. MPUG champions the use of technology to optimize project management processes. It offers a comprehensive suite of resources and services, including live sessions, accredited training courses, informative lessons, industry articles, and interactive discussion forums. Committed to empowering its members to "Master Projects for Unlimited Growth," MPUG equips our members with the latest industry trends and propels their career advancement. Whether you're a budding project manager or a seasoned practitioner, MPUG provides an invaluable platform to hone your skills and bolster your project management expertise.
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  1. Project Server 2013 dates
    Product: Microsoft Project Server 2013
    Lifecycle Start: 1/9/2013
    Mainstream Support End: Review Note
    Extended Support End: Review Note
    Service Pack Support End: 4/14/2015
    Note: See Service Pack listing below for dates

    Products: Microsoft Project Server 2013 Service Pack 1
    Lifecycle Start: 4/17/2014
    Mainstream Support End: 4/10/2018
    Extended Support End: 4/11/2023
    Note: Support ends 12 months after the next service pack releases or at end of the product’s support, whichever is first.

  2. Thanks Jill for adding in Project Server.

  3. Thanks Kevin for sharing your thoughts.

  4. Another reason not to upgrade are issues encountered when crossing organizational boundaries. For instance, as an independent consulting project manager, I frequently have a more current version than my partners or the client organization. “Down saving” to an earlier version often has incompatibilities and sharing PDF output is not an option.

  5. I believe your only option right now is via Microsoft 365 and obtaining a subscription to Project Online Professional. I have a client who was is in your situation and they had to search through some boxes to find their original CD of Project 2016.

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