How to Create An Enterprise Go-Live Calendar in Project Server 2007/2010/2013

This article was originally published in MSProjectExperts’ blog. Reproduction of content on this site is strictly prohibited without the express permission of MSProjectExperts. Copyright (c) 2012 CHEFETZ LLC. All rights reserved.

Recently, a member of the Project Server forum asked how can you display a Go-Live calendar on PWA? After doing some investigation, here are the instructions on how to create your very own Enterprise Go-Live calendar. This technique should work for Project Server 2007 and 2010. This report will also work for Project Server 2013 if you add dbo. before all table and view names in the query. For example, MSP_TimeByDay becomes dbo. MSP_TimeByDay in Project Server 2013.


In this scenario, the PMO has specific types of milestones that they would like to monitor. They are:

  • Go Live
  • Phase Boundary
  • Major Deliverable

The desire is to have a view of the current month’s Go Live activities so that this can be easily visualized using a calendar display so that conflicts can be easily caught.


This Go Live view requires metadata tagging of the requisite milestones to show in the report.

Setup will consist of three steps.

  1. Create the Lookup Table
  2. Create the Task level Custom Field
  3. Tag the requisite milestones in the project plan.

Lookup Table

The first step is to create a Lookup Table for the three milestone types to track. The new Lookup Table name will be Milestone Type.

To create a new Lookup Table, complete the following steps from the Custom Fields and Lookup Tables page:

  1. Go to Server Settings
  2. Click Enterprise Custom Fields and Lookup Tables
  3. Click the New Lookup Table button.
  4. Enter Milestone Type in the Name field.
  5. The Lookup Table defaults to Type Text and provides a single level code mask. This meets our needs so scroll down to the
  6. Lookup Table section to enter the values.
  7. Enter data in the Lookup Table section of the page as follows
    1. Go Live
    2. Phase Boundary
    3. Major Deliverable
  8. Click the Save button to save your new Lookup Table.

How to Create An Enterprise Go-Live Calendar in Project Server 2007/2010/2013
Custom Field

The next step is to create the Task level Custom Field that holds the metadata tag value.

  1. Go to Server Settings
  2. Click Enterprise Custom Fields and Lookup Tables
  3. Click the New Field button
  4. Enter Milestone Type as the name for your new Custom Field
  5. Click the Entity pick list and select the Task entity from the pick list.
  6. Click the Type pick list and select the Text type.
  7. In the Custom Attributes section, select the Lookup Table option and then select the Milestone Type Lookup Table from the Lookup Table pick list.
  8. Click the Save button to save your new Custom Field.

How to Create An Enterprise Go-Live Calendar in Project Server 2007/2010/2013


In the picture below, the Milestone Type Custom Field is added to the Task Summary view. The Project Manager can tag the milestones with the milestone type value. Save and publish the project, making the data available for reporting. Repeat this process for all active projects.

How to Create An Enterprise Go-Live Calendar in Project Server 2007/2010/2013


The following query enables the creation of the dataset needed for this report. By default, only current month data is selected. This query takes advantage of the MSP_TimeByDay table to populate all of the calendar information. This data is joined to a subquery that retrieves the task milestones and related project information where they exist.

The report itself is inspired by the SSRS techniques presented in this blog post. Essentially, a matrix is used to create the calendar framework and an embedded table displays the daily information. The design can be printed or displayed online.

The date filtering uses a technique presented by Pinal Dave on the SQL Authority blog. I highly recommend subscribing to this blog if you regularly work with SQL . Here is the particular article.

This article provides a usable report for the outlined purpose but it is but a starting point. The query and report can be enhanced to meet the particular needs of your organization.


The query that was outlined in the blog post wasn’t designed to work with Project data. Also, Common Table Expressions weren’t necessary as the MSP_TimeByDay table already contains a record for every day that Project supports. Consequently, I rewrote the query to fit the Project data model.

The [Order] field uses the date to number the related records so that multiple records for the same date have the same order number. In the report, the calculation uses this number to determine the row record. This interesting technique may warrant further investigation on your part, for use in other reporting needs. Details of using DENSE_RANK operation can be found here.

One last note to those seeking to extend this query. If you add a Where clause condition for a secondary table, SQL will automatically convert the LEFT OUTER JOIN with the MSP_TimeByDay table to an INNER JOIN. Note, the WHERE clause selection for Milestone and Milestone Type fields, is performed to the subquery to prevent this change in join behavior. Otherwise, the only days returned were those that had milestones. This is not desirable behavior for creating a calendar.


, MSP_TimeByDay.TimeByDay AS [Date]

, MSP_TimeByDay.TimeDayOfTheWeek AS [Week Day]

, MSP_TimeByDay.TimeDayOfTheMonth AS [Day]

, MSP_TimeByDay.TimeMonthOfTheYear AS [Month]

, CAST(CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), TaskStartDate, 101) AS DATETIME) AS EventDate

, MSP_EpmTask_UserView.TaskName AS Note

, ProjectName


(SELECT ProjectName, TaskName, TaskStartDate


MSP_EpmProject_UserView ON MSP_EpmProject_UserView.ProjectUID = MSP_EpmTask_UserView.ProjectUID

WHERE MSP_EpmTask_UserView.TaskIsMilestone = 1 AND MSP_EpmTask_UserView.[Milestone Type] = ‘Go Live’) MSP_EpmTask_UserView ON

MSP_TimeByDay.TimeByDay = CAST(CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), TaskStartDate, 101) AS DATETIME)

WHERE MSP_TimeByDay.TimeByDay >= CONVERT(VARCHAR(25), DATEADD(dd, – (DAY(GETDATE()) – 1), GETDATE()), 101) AND

MSP_TimeByDay.TimeByDay <= CONVERT(VARCHAR(25), DATEADD(dd, – (DAY(DATEADD(mm, 1, GETDATE()))), DATEADD(mm, 1, GETDATE())), 101)

ORDER BY [Order]


The report will take the data from the above query and generate a report that looks like this. It can either be printed or used online.

How to Create An Enterprise Go-Live Calendar in Project Server 2007/2010/2013

Basic Construction Steps

  1. Open the Business Intelligence Design Studio.
  2. Create a New Report Server Project by selecting Report Server Project and clicking OK.
    How to Create An Enterprise Go-Live Calendar in Project Server 2007/2010/2013
  3. Right-click Shared Data Sources and select Add New Data Source.
    How to Create An Enterprise Go-Live Calendar in Project Server 2007/2010/2013
  4. Accept the default name and click the Edit button.
    How to Create An Enterprise Go-Live Calendar in Project Server 2007/2010/2013
  5. Select the SQL Server and select the Reporting Database name, then click OK.
    How to Create An Enterprise Go-Live Calendar in Project Server 2007/2010/2013
  6. Right-click Reports and select Add, New Item to add a new item to the Reports folder.
    How to Create An Enterprise Go-Live Calendar in Project Server 2007/2010/2013
  7. Give the report a name and click Add.
    How to Create An Enterprise Go-Live Calendar in Project Server 2007/2010/2013
  8. Add the Shared Data Source to the report by right-clicking on Data Sources in the left pane and selecting Add Data Source.
    How to Create An Enterprise Go-Live Calendar in Project Server 2007/2010/2013
  9. Select DataSource1 that was created above and click OK.
    How to Create An Enterprise Go-Live Calendar in Project Server 2007/2010/2013
  10. Add an internal dataset by right-clicking Datasets in the left pane and selecting Add Dataset.
    How to Create An Enterprise Go-Live Calendar in Project Server 2007/2010/2013
  11. Set the name, select Use a dataset embedded in my report, select the datasource from above and paste in the query from above. Then click OK.
    How to Create An Enterprise Go-Live Calendar in Project Server 2007/2010/2013
  12. On the report design surface, right-click and add a page header.
    How to Create An Enterprise Go-Live Calendar in Project Server 2007/2010/2013
  13. Select a Textbox in the Toolbox.
    How to Create An Enterprise Go-Live Calendar in Project Server 2007/2010/2013
  14. Drag it to the report header.
  15. Right-click on the text box and select Expression.
    How to Create An Enterprise Go-Live Calendar in Project Server 2007/2010/2013
  16. Type in formula to get Month and Year =MonthName(Today().Month,False) & ” ” & Year(Today()) and click OK.
    How to Create An Enterprise Go-Live Calendar in Project Server 2007/2010/2013
  17. Select a Matrix from the Toolbox.
    How to Create An Enterprise Go-Live Calendar in Project Server 2007/2010/2013
  18. Drag it to the report design surface body section.
    How to Create An Enterprise Go-Live Calendar in Project Server 2007/2010/2013
  19. Right-click the matrix column header and select Tablix Properties.
    How to Create An Enterprise Go-Live Calendar in Project Server 2007/2010/2013
  20. Select the Calendar dataset and click OK.
    How to Create An Enterprise Go-Live Calendar in Project Server 2007/2010/2013
  21. Set the row grouping for the matrix so that only 7 days appear by row. Select the default RowGroup dropdown and select Group Properties.
    How to Create An Enterprise Go-Live Calendar in Project Server 2007/2010/2013
  22. Click the Function button.
    How to Create An Enterprise Go-Live Calendar in Project Server 2007/2010/2013
  23. Enter the following formula =Ceiling(Fields!Order.Value / 7) and select OK.
    How to Create An Enterprise Go-Live Calendar in Project Server 2007/2010/2013
  24. Set the Column Group to group by WeekDay value so that all Monday items appear together. Select the default ColumnGroup dropdown and select Group Properties.
    How to Create An Enterprise Go-Live Calendar in Project Server 2007/2010/2013
  25. Select Week_Day from the Group on Dropdown and select OK.
    How to Create An Enterprise Go-Live Calendar in Project Server 2007/2010/2013
  26. Select a Table from the Toolbox.
    How to Create An Enterprise Go-Live Calendar in Project Server 2007/2010/2013
  27. Drag and drop it into the matrix data cell.
    How to Create An Enterprise Go-Live Calendar in Project Server 2007/2010/2013
  28. Resize the matrix to make the column wider and the row taller.
    How to Create An Enterprise Go-Live Calendar in Project Server 2007/2010/2013
  29. Hide the left most Rows column of the matrix. Select the column header for Rows.
    How to Create An Enterprise Go-Live Calendar in Project Server 2007/2010/2013
  30. In the Properties panel, change the Hidden property to True.
    How to Create An Enterprise Go-Live Calendar in Project Server 2007/2010/2013
  31. Remove the rightmost column from the embedded table. Right-click the column header and selecting Delete Columns.
    How to Create An Enterprise Go-Live Calendar in Project Server 2007/2010/2013
  32. Merge the Header cells together by selecting both header cells, right-click, and select Merge Cells.
    How to Create An Enterprise Go-Live Calendar in Project Server 2007/2010/2013
  33. Set the Header cell to show the Day value. Select the merged cell, right-click, and select Text Box Properties.
    How to Create An Enterprise Go-Live Calendar in Project Server 2007/2010/2013
  34. Select [Day] in the Value field and click OK.
    How to Create An Enterprise Go-Live Calendar in Project Server 2007/2010/2013
  35. Repeat step 22 for the left side Data cell, setting the field value to [ProjectName].
  36. Repeat step 22 for the right side Data cell, instead setting the Data field value to [Note].
  37. Your completed steps 22-24 should appear as thus.
    How to Create An Enterprise Go-Live Calendar in Project Server 2007/2010/2013
  38. Right-click the Columns cell and select Expression.
    How to Create An Enterprise Go-Live Calendar in Project Server 2007/2010/2013
  39. Enter the following expression in the box =WeekdayName(Fields!Week_Day.Value) and click OK.
    How to Create An Enterprise Go-Live Calendar in Project Server 2007/2010/2013
  40. The completed Matrix should appear as this.
    How to Create An Enterprise Go-Live Calendar in Project Server 2007/2010/2013
  41. Click the Preview Tab to show the in progress Calendar.
    How to Create An Enterprise Go-Live Calendar in Project Server 2007/2010/2013

Creating a Pleasant Appearance

The calendar that appears in step 29 is functional but not very pleasant to the eye. Let us apply a few changes to the calendar output to increase its visual appeal. To demonstrate how to do this, this part will apply some backgrounds to make the divisions a bit more apparent. You can continue to modify the look to meet your own needs.

  1. Select the Design tab.
  2. Select the Day of the Week cell.
    How to Create An Enterprise Go-Live Calendar in Project Server 2007/2010/2013
  3. In the Properties panel on the right, find the Background Color property, click the color dropdown and select More colors.
    How to Create An Enterprise Go-Live Calendar in Project Server 2007/2010/2013
  4. Select PaleTurquoise and click OK.
    How to Create An Enterprise Go-Live Calendar in Project Server 2007/2010/2013
  5. Select the Day cell and repeat steps 3 and 4, selecting Gainsboro this time.
    How to Create An Enterprise Go-Live Calendar in Project Server 2007/2010/2013
  6. Center both Day of the Week and Day cells. Your matrix should appear as this.
    How to Create An Enterprise Go-Live Calendar in Project Server 2007/2010/2013
  7. Lastly, remove the middle border between the Project Name and the Task name. Select the Note cell and change the BorderColor for the Left border to White.
    How to Create An Enterprise Go-Live Calendar in Project Server 2007/2010/2013

Your calendar will now appear as this. You can continue to adjust the visuals to your liking.

How to Create An Enterprise Go-Live Calendar in Project Server 2007/2010/2013

With a bit more tweaking, I collapsed the hidden Rows column and aligned the left side of the calendar with the heading. I also adjusted font sizes, colors and did bolding where necessary. The result looks like this. Again, this is intended to get you started so you can modify the visuals to meet your organization’s needs.

How to Create An Enterprise Go-Live Calendar in Project Server 2007/2010/2013

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