Project Management Institute (PMI)® Professional Development Units (PDUs):
This Webinar is eligible for 1.5 PMI® PDUs in the Technical Project Management talent triangle category. If you are claiming this session, you must submit it to your MPUG Webinar History after it has been completed in its entirety.
Event Description:
One of the most common requirements of a PPM solution deployment is Resource Management. While Resource Management could mean many things to many people, the common underlying questions, which every executive wants answered through the tool are:
- How is my current resource utilization?
- How does my Requirements vs. Committed Capacity charting look like?
- Can my organization/group handle the requirements that are lined up for them for the upcoming period?
Ironically, while these questions are the most basic and common questions to ask, are also the difficult to answer accurately. These questions touch several areas like the planning of work, estimation, tracking of actual work, and maintenance of the plans. A sensible approach is needed to put the proper framework in place, so that when these questions are asked, you are ready with answers.
This session will cover how to use Project Online, and set up the frame work, to plan the work, execute it, track it and provide accurate reporting, from Resource Management perspective.
Speaker Profile:
Prasanna Adavi (Project MVP, PMP, MCTS, MCITP, MCT) is a Senior Enterprise Project Management (EPM) Consultant. He specializes in helping organizations meet their business needs in the areas of Project Management and Portfolio Management. His main focus is on building “business driven solutions” using, MS Project, Project Server and SharePoint Platforms.
He is a regular presenter at various Project Server, EPM and SharePoint events across the country, and blogs regularly at prasannaadavi.com. He also runs a podcast dedicated to MS Project, Project Server at msprojectpodcast.com
He was presented the Project MVP (Most Valuable Professional) award by Microsoft in July 2014, for his continued contributions to Microsoft Project Community.
Contact Details:
Blog URL: https://www.prasannaadavi.com
Twitter: @prasannaadavi
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