Email Ed for a copy of his PowerPoint presentation with links to referenced materials.
Lesson Description:
In his twenty years working in project management, if there was a mistake to be made, Ed Killingsworth has managed to goof it up. From accidentally sending personal hygiene emails to the entire company to flying to a meeting in the wrong state, it is a wonder he is still employed. Watch this webinar and don’t be Ed.
Instructor Info:
Ed Killingsworth is a Senior Program Analyst, currently working at System Studies & Simulation, Inc. (S³) in Huntsville, Alabama. He has used Microsoft Project since 1999. Ed is a member of the local PMI group and earned his PMP certification in 2014. He holds a BSBA in Management Information Systems from the University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) and his MBA from UNA. Although he doesn’t run very fast, he is also a member and volunteer of the Huntsville Track Club.
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Don Donatt
Muititasking is for people incapable of prioritization