Watch Task Planning using Microsoft Project
Project Management Institute (PMI)® Professional Development Units (PDUs):
This short video is NOT eligible for PMI® PDU credit.
Event Description:
In this video viewers will learn how to update their project to reflect any work that has been carried out. Viewers will learn how to push out work that didn’t get started on time and best practices around these process.
Presenter Info:
Tom Henry As a the PPM Practice Manager at Projility, Tom, along with his team of expert consultants; implements, supports and trains organizations of all sizes and industries (including central and local government) on Project and Portfolio Management solutions leveraging the Microsoft software stack. He is responsible for deploying Microsoft Project, Project Online, Project Sever and SharePoint together with associated technologies and business processes. Tom has in-depth knowledge of Microsoft’s O365 platform and cloud based solutions such as Project Online. Tom received his BSc in Computer Science from Bournemouth University in the United Kingdom and holds multiple Microsoft product certifications. He is also one of only a handful of certified facilitators in the US for the Microsoft PPM Customer Immersion Experience (CIE) Program.
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Shahrzad Sadaghiani
Very good webinar, pointing out useful information for updating project.