Projects: Managing Schedules

Enhance time management and planning skills with our expert guides on managing project schedules. Learn to create realistic timelines, track progress, and ensure timely project delivery with MPUG.

Create a 5/4-9 Calendar in Microsoft Project

Create a 5/4-9 Calendar in Microsoft Project

Background A number of organizations in the United States, including agencies of the US federal government, use a compressed work schedule to manage projects. A common type of compressed work schedule...

Back to Basics: Assumptions vs. Constraints vs. Dependencies

Back to Basics: Assumptions vs. Constraints vs. Dependencies

I regularly provide project management advisory and Project Management Office (PMO) related consulting services to my clients. On many occasions, I have found that project managers do not di...

What You Need to Know About Calendars in Project for the web

What You Need to Know About Calendars in Project for the web

Project for the web “out of the box” contains a default calendar. When you create a new schedule through the website,, you will be presented with a default, but what does...

Make Saturday a Working Day in Microsoft Project

Make Saturday a Working Day in Microsoft Project

Background There was an interesting question recently in the Tech Community Project user forum. A user asked how to change the default working calendar to allow Saturday as a working day. The question...

You’re Invited to Join a WBS Schedule Pro Presentation

You’re Invited to Join a WBS Schedule Pro Presentation

This is your invitation to join Critical Tools for a webinar presentation of our popular WBS Schedule Pro project planning software. WBS Schedule Pro makes creating and presenting projects easy. Durin...

A Better Microsoft Project: Baselining

A Better Microsoft Project: Baselining

This article is the fifth in my series, “A Better Microsoft Project,” You can find the earlier articles here: Introduction, Time Modeling, D * U – W fields, and Workload Leveling. I find baselining to...

A Better Microsoft Project for Time Modeling: Deadlines and the (Most‑) Critical Path

In my previous post, I explained that I’d be making a case in a series of articles for adding certain features to Microsoft’s Project for Desktop and Project for the web software. Here, I’d like to su...

A Better Microsoft Project

This article is the first in a series, in which I wish to make a case for adding certain features to Microsoft’s Project for Desktop and Project for the web software. You might wonder why I am publish...

Create a Custom Schedule Status Field in Microsoft Project

Create a Custom Schedule Status Field in Microsoft Project

Overview Have you ever tried to use the default task Status field in Microsoft Project? This field uses the Status date that you set in your project (or the Current date if you have not set a Status d...