Experience Level: Intermediate

WebNLearn: Digital PMO (1 of 3) – PMI Citizen Developer Program Overview

WebNLearn: Digital PMO (1 of 3) – PMI Citizen Developer Program Overview

In this webinar, we will learn about low code/no code development and the PMI Citizen Developer Program

Microsoft Project Online Integration with Azure DevOps

Microsoft Project Online Integration with Azure DevOps

Integrating Microsoft Project Online with Azure DevOps allows teams to work in their preferred systems while ensuring data synchronization and portfolio visibility. Learn about the challenges and bene...

WebNLearn: Practical Scrum using MS Project Agile (2 of 3)

WebNLearn: Practical Scrum using MS Project Agile (2 of 3)

In this webinar, we will learn the following: Product Backlog, Sprint Backlog, Definition of Done (DoD), Burndown Chart

WebNLearn: Practical Scrum using MS Project Agile (1 of 3)

WebNLearn: Practical Scrum using MS Project Agile (1 of 3)

Learn about scrum fundamentals, the Scrum Framework, Scrum Roles and how to use MS Project with Scrum.

WebNLearn: Project for the web (3 of 3) – Extending core P4W functionality

WebNLearn: Project for the web (3 of 3) – Extending core P4W functionality

Project for the web is a modern tool and you can extend its core functionality. learn how to do so with apps like Power BI, PPM and more

WebNLearn: Project for the web (2 of 3) – Who is p4w for and what will make it enterprise ready?

WebNLearn: Project for the web (2 of 3) – Who is p4w for and what will make it enterprise ready?

Learn about Microsoft's project management tools and then discuss key areas that need to be addressed for P4W to be enterprise ready

From Planning to Delivery: 8 Performance Domains in PMBOK – Seventh Edition

From Planning to Delivery: 8 Performance Domains in PMBOK – Seventh Edition

Project management is more than a set of processes. The PMBOK® Guide 7th ed. codifies 8 performance domains from planning to delivery.

WebNLearn: Project for the web (1 of 3) how it works and what you can do with it

WebNLearn: Project for the web (1 of 3) how it works and what you can do with it

You will learn about project for the web, its current capabilities and what functionality it has versus Project Desktop or Project Online.

WebNLearn: Automate Your Project for the web and Project Online Reporting

WebNLearn: Automate Your Project for the web and Project Online Reporting

You will learn how to automate your reporting and how to automatically refresh data using project for the web or project online.