The Office 365 Security and Compliance Center helps organizations manage data security and compliance. Learn how to use the center to monitor and grant permissions, restrict access, and protect missio...
Introduction Management reviews, sometimes referred to by project managers as phase exits, stage gates, or kill points, are very important for keeping projects on track. These moments serve as decisio...
Project for the web “out of the box” contains a default calendar. When you create a new schedule through the website,, you will be presented with a default, but what does...
Most projects are logic-constrained projects (or, if I might suggest, wrongfully treated as such). A logic-constrained project has a duration only determined by logic (i.e., the network of depend...
In my previous post, I explained that I’d be making a case in a series of articles for adding certain features to Microsoft’s Project for Desktop and Project for the web software. Here, I’d like to su...
This article is the first in a series, in which I wish to make a case for adding certain features to Microsoft’s Project for Desktop and Project for the web software. You might wonder why I am publish...
Project Portfolio Management, or PPM, is the continuous process of selecting, prioritizing, executing, and monitoring all the projects and portfolios in an organization. PPM’s primary goal is to judge...
The quick answer to this question is: Yes, you can use Power Automate with Project for the web. In this article, let’s discover a couple of use cases together and get a better understanding about thes...
Please find below a transcription of the audio portion of Ira Brown’s session, Exploring VBA: Microsoft Project’s Macro Language Part II, being provided by MPUG for the convenience of our members. You...