Negotiation Skills

Back to the Future: What PM Skills Are Called for in 2022 and Beyond?

Back to the Future: What PM Skills Are Called for in 2022 and Beyond?

First…Back to the Past Let’s first travel back in time and look at the state of data processing and information technology (IT) historically. Knowing the past gives us a basis to move forward, and in ...

The Project Communication Plan

The Project Communication Plan

For small projects, communication can be quite simple. Communication for the project of heading home after the holidays might be no more than “Call us when you get there.” But good communication grows...

Five Interpersonal Skills Every Project Manager Should Have

Five Interpersonal Skills Every Project Manager Should Have

To be a successful project manager, it’s not enough to just have the necessary qualifications or technical knowledge. Soft skills, such as effective communication and team motivation, are crucia...

How to Succeed As a Project Management Professional in the Gig Economy

How to Succeed As a Project Management Professional in the Gig Economy

My grandpa worked at the same company from the time he graduated high school to the time he retired. His loyalty was rewarded with promotions, raises, and respect from his colleagues and the higher-up...

Five Must Have Core Competencies for Project Managers

Five Must Have Core Competencies for Project Managers

No matter the industry or size of the project, every project manager is tasked with juggling multiple day-to-day operations. Even small-scale projects can be complex, comprised of hundreds of cross-fu...

Emotional Intelligence and Project Management

Emotional Intelligence and Project Management

Emotional intelligence is the ability to monitor your emotions or the emotions of others and use this to guide your actions. A shorter way to say this is to recognize or regulate emotions in ourselves...

How to Tell Stakeholders the Bad News

How to Tell Stakeholders the Bad News

Maybe one of these situations sounds familiar… You’ve just found out your resources have been slashed by 30 percent, but the sponsor won’t budge on the workload. More with less is the new normal...

Doing Good with Project Management

Doing Good with Project Management

When Gary Chefetz, head of MSProjectExperts, moved to Coachella Valley in Southern California’s Riverside County, he sought to give back to his new community in a way that had a “much high...

Develop Your Project Management Skills: Scenes in the Negotiation Play

Develop Your Project Management Skills: Scenes in the Negotiation Play

In this article (taken from the book, Cheetah Negotiations) you will learn the value of commitment and asking permission to gain commitment to your objectives. Commitment will help you and the other p...