How to Claim PMI® PDUs

Are you a PMP who has recently attended a MPUG webinar or course? We always provide an Activity Code for you to report your earned credits to PMI. Here’s how to do it in five easy steps!

Step 1 : Login in to your PMI Account

Go to the PMI website ( and click on the login button in the upper right corner. Enter your PMI login information to access your account.

PMI Login Page
PMI Login Page

Step 2 : Go to your Dashboard

Once you are logged in, navigate to your profile icon and select your ‘dashboard’.

Dashboard in PMI Account

Step 3 : Select Report PDUS

To claim your PMI PDU credits, you will need to select the “Report PDUs” option from the dashboard. This will take you to the page where you can submit your PDU claims.

Report PDUs Option
Report PDUs Option

Step 4: Select Course or Training under the Education category.

Course or Training
Course or Training

Step 5: Complete the Report PDU form

Fill in the Report PDU form as follows:
Provider: Type in “MPUG”, then select the “(1369) MPA Users Group/MPUG” provider name

Enter your MPUG PDU Code
Enter your MPUG
  • Activity: Enter the activity name, then select the preferred entry. The preferred event should show as the first item on the list.
Step 4 in claiming PDUS
Enter your MPUG PDU Code

Description: Will be filled in for you

Date Started: Enter the date of the event

Date Completed: Enter the date of the event

Step 4 in claiming PDUS

All other fields will be filled in for you including the PDUs Claimed.

Step 5: Agree to terms

Select the “I agree this claim is accurate” checkbox and select Submit

Step 5 in claiming pdus

FAQ about Claiming PDUS

Does MPUG submit my PDUs to PMI automatically?

MPUG does not automatically forward information regarding completed webinars to PMI. However, you have the option to export your webinar transcript from your MPUG account and manually submit the information to PMI for credit.

Where can I find my MPUG PDU Transcript?

You can find this by navigating to my account > transcripts