How to report PDUs to PMI

Are you a PMP who has recently attended a MPUG webinar or course? We always provide an Activity Code for you to report your earned credits to PMI. Here’s how to do it in five easy steps!

1. Login to the PMI website.

2. Go to your Dashboard.

3. From the Dashboard, select Report PDUs.

4. Select Course or Training under the Education category.

5. On the Course or Training screen, fill in the details of Provider, Course ID, Date Started, etc.

Screen shots courtesy of Praveen Malik. If you haven’t already, check out his article on how to earn PDU.

Written by The MPUG Community
MPUG has a global network of over 200,000 project management professionals across 170+ countries. For over 25 years, it has served as a premier platform fostering connection, knowledge sharing, and professional development within the project management community. MPUG champions the use of technology to optimize project management processes. It offers a comprehensive suite of resources and services, including live sessions, accredited training courses, informative lessons, industry articles, and interactive discussion forums. Committed to empowering its members to "Master Projects for Unlimited Growth," MPUG equips our members with the latest industry trends and propels their career advancement. Whether you're a budding project manager or a seasoned practitioner, MPUG provides an invaluable platform to hone your skills and bolster your project management expertise.
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