A company that produces sample exams to help project managers pass their Project Management Professional exams has launched a simulated environment for the Project Management Institute’s agile test, Agile Certified Practitioner. OSP International, which runs PM PrepCast, recently released the PMI-ACP Exam Simulator.
According to OSP, the simulation service includes “hundreds” of questions developed by certified PMs who have taken the exam. Although four exams are expected to be released over the course of the next four months, currently, the company has issued two of the programs, each with 120 questions. Access for 90 days is $59. Additional exams will be delivered in February and April, bringing the total number of questions up to 480 and the price to $99. The exams may be accessed on computers and mobile devices.
Users also receive access to a “live feedback” service, which puts them in touch with company experts for coaching.
Cornelius Fichtner, OSP’s president and a regular MPUG contributor, said the software has been developed in a way “that enables us to adapt as the content outline for the exam adapts. Agile is an evolving field and we know that as the exam changes with time we can still support our students prepare with a product that is always totally up-to-date.”
Learn more about the PMI-ACP Exam Simulator on the OSP website here.