Author: Tim Runcie PMP, MCP, MCTS, P-TSP, MVP

Tim Runcie, PMP, MCP, MCTS, P-TSP, MVP is one of 6 Microsoft Project MVP’s in North America and has held that title for 17 years in a row.  A seasoned veteran of complex programs, and portfolio management systems, Tim works with companies like Microsoft on next generations of Project, Program, and portfolio technologies.  Tim is an accomplished speaker, consultant, and educator, supporting the project management community for over 25 years. As the President and founder of Advisicon, Tim has written over 38 books on PM methodologies and technologies. Advisicon has recently added a non-profit division focused on helping faith-based and 501-C3 organizations with implementing and training on available business solutions and providing business coaching or process automation with the mission of “Serving those who Serve.” Free resources are available at or on Tim’s LMS,

The Agile Project Manager: Agile Disciplines, Part 1

The Agile Project Manager: Agile Disciplines, Part 1

When you hear the term, “agile,” remember that it’s comprised of many different frameworks and approaches that fundamentally support a more interactive model to prioritize and deliver features. Collectively, those various methodologies are known as agile. They all promote the values of the agile “manifesto,” and they’re consistent with those principles. As I promised in the first article of this agile series, it’s time to provide details about some of those commonly used agile disciplines so that you can decide which ones to leverage for your projects. In this first part of a two-part article, I’ll cover three frameworks: dynamic systems development method, scrum and extreme programming. Next time, you’ll receive a briefing on Rational Unified Process, Kanban and lean software development, feature-driven development and Crystal. Dynamic systems development method or DSDM is probably the original approach taken for agile development. Even though it’s based on all the principles we have come to know as agile, it surfaced before the term “agile” was adopted. However, it’s little known outside of the United Kingdom. Scrum, another agile development method, concentrates particularly on how to manage tasks within a team-based development environment. It’s the most popular and widely adopted agile method, probably because it’s relatively simple to implement and addresses many of the management issues that have plagued IT development teams for decades. Extreme programming or XP is a more radical agile methodology, focusing more on the software engineering process and addressing analysis, development and test phases with novel approaches that make a substantial difference to the quality of the end product. While DSDM is probably the most complete agile methodology, scrum and XP are easier to implement — and complementary because they tackle different aspects of software development projects and are both founded on very similar concepts. Dynamic Systems Development Method With its origins in the early 1990s, dynamic systems development method (DSDM), addressed the agile technical community’s need for a standard project delivery framework that was based on the popular Rapid Application Development (RAD) system. Due to the widespread use and popularity of RAD, software development had grown with little structure to guide the application of RAD. To provide better software delivery processes and promote a common industry framework, developers in 1994 formed the DSDM Consortium, an organization that still exists today. The DSDM methodology grew and matured, providing a great foundation for planning, managing, executing and scaling Agile in iterative software development projects. DSDM is based on nine basic principles: Business drives development; Development is incremental; The team is open to change; Initial requirements are set at a high level; Development and testing are tightly integrated; Collaboration and cooperation rule; End users must be involved; Teams are empowered; and Releases are frequent. As you can see, these principles focus on the integration of the team, customers and stakeholders around the job of delivering business value. Thus, “fitness for business purpose” becomes the primary criteria for delivery and acceptance, delivering on the Pareto principle: 80 percent of the system value can be delivered in 20 percent of the time. As the project/development team maps requirements, these requirements are baselined at a high level early in the project. As the team begins working on these requirements, rework is built into the process, allowing changes or modifications to be reversed for all development. Customer requirements are planned and delivered in short, pre-set lengths — time boxes called “iterations.” You may have heard about requirements prioritization using “MoSCoW Rules,” a term that refers to the mnemonic for assigning priority: Must have requirements; Should have if at all possible; Could have, but not critical; and Won’t have this time, but potentially included later. All work prioritized at the highest level must be completed. Not every requirement in a project or iteration is considered critical, so less critical features or items can be moved to other iterations to keep them from affecting the highest priority requirements. Here’s what’s useful about the DSDM framework for project delivery: You can implement DSDM with other methodologies, such as extreme programming or the Rational Unified Process, making it a great option for very large-scale development projects. Scrum Scrum, one of today’s more popular project management frameworks, is more lightweight than other agile options. It’s popular today because of its simplicity and proven capability for helping technical teams adhere to engineering best practices and frameworks and for helping participants manage, direct and control incremental or iterative projects. The scrum process follows a series of sprint cycles leading to a release of the product or some functionality to stakeholders or end users. You might find it helpful think of it as a miniature waterfall project lifecycle, contained within delivery of pre-defined functionality or features and allowing for the progressive elaboration of requirements with end users during the process. This process ensures a higher level of satisfaction for users and stakeholders, while still keeping the project confined to time-boxes.                       With scrum, several roles work together in the process of delivering projects. Those include: The product owner; The scrum master; Team members; Stakeholders; and Users. If you’ve worked around scrum teams, you might have heard references to “chickens” and “pigs.” These terms refer to the classification of involvement levels for different stakeholders in the scrum meetings. As illustrated in the following cartoon, chickens only have involvement in the meetings; pigs are the people who are primarily speaking and actively committed. The scrum master is the overseer of the process — that is, the person who compiles and records progress metrics, action items, features and the things to move from the backlog to the sprints. He or she is the facilitator of the team and the process, but not the director of the actual tasks. Stakeholders and users actively work with the teams. Sometimes they’re even embedded or collocated in a team. They make sure that immediate feedback and fine-tuning of the functionality will deliver the necessary value. This involvement allows planning to be done at a higher level, with requirements unfolding as the teams tackle the work in each sprint. Scrum team members, who may come from cross-functional teams, collaborate to produce estimates. Then, they sign up to deliver shippable or functional increments during successive sprints. Sprints can range from a week to a month, such that teams have enough time to deliver functionality to the end users and stakeholders. These time-boxed increments ensure the team’s focus on building working software or product. Items not completed are moved to later sprints or to the backlog for re-prioritization. Once a team commits to a sprint’s product backlog, only the team itself can add functionality or features during the planning process. After a sprint is completed, the scrum master analyzes and reprioritizes the product backlog, and the next set of features or functionality is selected and approved for the next sprint by the scrum master and product owner. The product owner works with the development team to help map out important functionality and then to prioritize the functionality into what is called the “backlog.” The product backlog consists of features, identified bug fixes, functional and non-functional requirements and improvements to be completed to deliver a working system successfully. Anyone building complex projects can benefit from using scrum to help prioritize items in the product backlog and pare down large lists into manageable tasks with a high level of interaction among the members of the delivery teams and the stakeholders and end users. Just like all the other methodologies I’m profiling here, scrum has provided successful delivery to large and small projects with large and small companies worldwide. If you want to read more about scrum in particular, I recommend looking up the writings of Jeff Sutherland, Ken Schwaber, and Mike Beedle, all of whom have been some of the main contributors to the growth and evolution of scrum. The Scrum Alliance offers some great success stories and case studies work checking out as well. Extreme Programming Extreme programming or XP emphasizes teamwork. Managers, customers and developers are all equal partners in a collaborative team. XP implements a simple yet effective environment in which teams become highly productive. The team organizes itself around the problem to solve as efficiently as possible. XP and scrum are similar, but you should be aware of some key differences between these two methods. Typically, scrum sprints last longer than XP iterations. For example, while a scrum sprint may last between a week and four weeks, the time for a normal XP iteration is one to two weeks. In addition, scrum teams don’t allow changes during sprints, but XP teams are allowed to make changes during iterations. XP is a disciplined approach to delivering high-quality software quickly and continuously. It promotes high customer involvement, short and rapid feedback loops, continuous testing, continuous planning and close teamwork to deliver working software at frequent intervals, typically a week to three weeks. The original XP construct is rooted around on four simple values that guide the teams: Simplicity; Communication; Feedback; and Courage. Those feed into the supporting practices for technical teams, such as test-driven development, pair programming or refactoring. In XP, the “customer” works closely with the development team to define and prioritize the work units of functionality, referred to as “user stories” in the methodology. I particularly like the way user stories sometimes provide testers and end users with an easier way to elicit the functionality needed when the description becomes “a story.” The development team estimates, plans and delivers the highest priority user stories in the form of working, tested software. The user stories are completed on an iteration-by-iteration basis. Teams perform work in priority order to maximize productivity. The overall practices with XP provide a supportive, lightweight framework to guide a team and ensure high-quality software for stakeholders. In part two of this two-part article, we’ll cover additional methodologies to round out your agile education. From there, we’ll start drilling down to provide practical information you can start applying in your work. Read The Agile Project Manager: Agile Disciplines Part 2 Image source

The Agile Project Manager: Understanding Estimating in Agile PM

The Agile Project Manager: Understanding Estimating in Agile PM

If you’re moving to agile project management from more traditional project management approaches, estimating is a crucial skill you’ll have to relearn because it’s different in agile PM. This article explains the basics. In agile PM, the best estimating isn’t done by a lone wolf PM or team lead; it’s handled by the team — developers, testers, analysts, database administrators and architects. The idea is that the team as a group reviews the estimated features from multiple perspectives, and then the feedback from everyone is absorbed and merged into one final and agreed upon estimate. The value of team estimation delivers many benefits. For example, finding out what others are thinking about can lead to faster maturing as a team by broadening everybody’s understanding and estimating skills. It can also help you get better estimates from the people who will actually be doing the work and have firsthand knowledge of the architecture, code and environments in which they’ll be working. Plus, the process will begin to create a culture of ownership around the estimate, where the team must hold itself accountable. In spite of the benefits, however, doing team-based estimating is hard. My experience has shown that it will take many rounds of practice before you become truly adept. Traditional Planning vs. Planning In traditional project planning you create a high-level estimate during the project initiation phase and then firm it up during the planning cycle. The business analyst usually takes high-level goals or plans from technical teams and converts them into functional specifications. If the technical resources haven’t undertaken a similar project before, they may have trouble estimating the work by virtue of its complexity or singularity. Also the teams producing the estimates probably won’t estimate the work as if this were the only assignment they had. They also must complete all of the other work activities they’ve been assigned. These elements make the final estimate hard to pin down, which could delay the estimating process. Then other parts of the organization build time into the schedule to accommodate their own functions, such as packaging and delivery and marketing. At every level, buffers are added to cover contingencies on top of the original estimate so that the deadline (they believe) has a higher chance of being met. Typically, each group might add its own buffers as the plan moves from the technical teams to the project teams and onto the marketing team. By the time the estimate is done, this series of layered buffers muddies the waters when anybody wants to figure out when something can realistically be delivered. In agile projects, estimation techniques address these potential issues. You do the estimate as an iterative process, where you don’t estimate all the features until you have prioritized what is needed. In agile the phased approach to estimating helps to create clarity and understanding of the features being requested as the project progresses. If you have ever been involved in a scrum process or some other agile discipline, you’ll know that work for completing deliverables is time-boxed to ensure a focus on delivering value and the immediate priority of features. After each sprint’s delivery, the team re-estimates the remaining requested features, tasks and user stories and prioritizes them again based on the learning accumulated after each sprint. The agile estimation process usually consists of these stages: Review and estimate features in a short, time-boxed exercise during which you estimate feature size, not duration or hours. Assign sizing to planned work iterations (sometimes referenced as sprints, but multiple sprints can also exist in an iteration) and then align those with a release plan for key features. Disassemble each sprint’s features into the specific tasks needed to build the features and estimate the level of effort to deliver each. Once completed, the tasks are assigned to the appropriate iteration. Meet daily or frequently as a team to evaluate and re-estimate the remaining and open tasks during the entire iteration. Estimating by Hours vs. Story Points The sizing of tasks or features is a key estimating method in agile. Even though it’s difficult to size tasks or features if a technical team has never done the same kind of work before, there’s something about technical teams that somehow tend to know the sizing or complexity factor. Using story points is a great way to estimate numerically. Typically, individual tasks should a defined size of effort (work). If you’re on an agile project team using story points, you may set a story point upper limit. For work that is larger than several days, it may be too hard to estimate the work items; or the confidence factor of the estimate will be low, so you would break the work into smaller elements that you can more accurately estimate. For features not selected, you place them on the top of the backlog. You break anything larger than several days’ effort into smaller estimating tasks that you then prioritize and assign. Prioritization of features in the backlog helps to keep estimating at a high level of quality. The use of the backlog helps to eliminate rework or delivery of features that the customer may not need — even if the customer originally surfaced them. Velocity and Burn Down vs. Earned Value Leveraging past information for future prediction provides the goal of both earned value and agile planning. That goal is accurate prediction of time, work and cost in delivering a project. Waterfall teams hold lessons-learned sessions, but usually those happen at the end, even though more frequent discussions might be more helpful. Agile PPM teams use “retrospectives” to incorporate insights from past iterations, including the accuracy of their estimates. Many agile tools — such as Version 1 or Jira Software and the Microsoft Project agile template — track story points, a numeric value that helps teams in their reviews and recalibration of estimates. In agile PM the use of velocity is a predictive means for forecasting delivery. The term “velocity” is used to showcase a predictive measure based on the number of story points, tasks or features that can be completed in a single iteration. While this is as simple as it sounds, it’s also effective because it uses a feedback loop at every iteration to reflect what the team actually achieved in the previous iteration. The Power of the Team in Agile Estimating In general, estimates can be very inaccurate. They are subjective and can vary depending on times of the year, people’s moods, or even how much sleep or coffee a person has had. Yet group estimating, coupled with short cycle reviews of the estimates and delivery, provides a true-up process that helps teams to tune and improve their estimates and estimating skills. When applied to a time-phased calendar review for a team, the retrospective tends to average out, regardless of sleep, coffee, mood or experience, giving a predictive velocity indicator that’s helpful for future delivery. If this sounds complex, the science behind it can be; but the practical application is not. For agile teams, this time-phased review of delivery by points or features can give a surprisingly accurate estimating tool for planning what can be accomplished within future time periods and iterations. Image source

The Agile Project Manager: Leveraging Agile in PPM

The Agile Project Manager: Leveraging Agile in PPM

In this first article in a series you’ll learn about the agile method and related agile technologies for project management with a focus on scheduling technologies, especially Project Online, Project Server and Project Desktop (Standard and Professional). My goal is to help you gain insight and come to your own conclusions about ways that agile can help you — and anyone else in our project and portfolio management (PPM) community of practice. I base my opinions and observations on 25-plus years of working within scheduling, project management offices (PMOs) and the agile space. The series isn’t intended to be definitive — only a bridge between methodology and the PPM technologies we use today. The Agile Method and Agile Disciplines The misconception that agile is just for software development is prevalent. On the contrary, agile has been used for manufacturing, engineering, construction, testing and any other project process that requires iterations or iterative working sessions to reach a final result. What’s exciting about agile technology and its underlying methodology is that it brings an environment for interaction to scheduling and scheduling technologies. Agile allows complex or highly interactive reviews and working iterations with stakeholders and project teams, producing a better product or result. While that result may not have been the original thought or intention, it delivers the value needed by the customer. What Agile Is So what is agile? Before we delve into the layers of definition, you should have the backstory. Understanding where agile came from will help to identify what it is, how it works or can work for you, and what parts or elements you can leverage to improve your projects. Although there are plenty of great articles out there on the topic, let me summarize the basics of where agile came from. Before it came to be called “agile,” this approach was formally discussed during the explosion of software development projects back in the 1970s. One of the main people who helped shape the discussion of agile was Dr. Winston Royce. In 1970 he presented a paper titled, “Managing the Development of Large Software Systems.” In his 11-page paper Royce criticized the then-current practice of sequential development (waterfall) and asserted that in developing software, there are only two “essential steps” common to all programming work: analysis and coding. Nothing else — defining system requirement and software requirements, doing program design, etc. — is vital to the process and, in fact, “drive up the development costs.” As he eloquently put it, “Customer personnel typically would rather not pay for them, and development personnel would rather not implement them. The prime function of management is to sell these concepts to both groups and then enforce compliance on the part of development personnel.” Royce recommended against sequential development, in which all requirements are identified up front and then scheduled, for two key reasons. First, there’s a lack of communication between the specialized groups that must be involved. Second, up-front planning can’t account for all the functionality that may be required by the time the end of the project is in sight. By applying a more agile or iterative approach, a team could describe the goal of a solution, then allow the team members’ creativity and flexibility to guide the project as they adapt or modify the solution based on business realities or requirements that might change or need to change by the time the project is due for release. What’s ironic is that Royce’s paper led to the framing of exactly what he was railing against: the waterfall model of software development. While Royce wasn’t the only one wrestling with this concept of inherent fluidity in programming projects, his paper definitely hit the nail on the head and continued to influence conversation among software engineers as it evolved into full-fledged and different methodological approaches to project work that have been used over the last 45 years. Why to Consider Agile Agile methodology — whether you use it for development projects or not — provides the opportunity to review and assess the direction of a project throughout its lifecycle. You do these activities through regular stages of work, known as “sprints” or “iterations.” At the end of these segments, teams must present a potentially shippable product increment or deliverable functional value. In fact, the prioritization is on delivering functionality, which you can validate sooner rather than later. By having teams focus on the regular abbreviated work cycles, as well as requiring a functional product that must be delivered in those cycles, agile methodology gains its distinctive trait of being “iterative” and “incremental.” In a waterfall approach, project teams spend time up front to map out requirements, document and validate those requirements and then work to deliver on those requirements. What is helpful to understand is that requirements gathering and validation exist in both methodologies. However, in an agile paradigm, every aspect of product development — requirements design, testing, etc. — is continually revisited throughout the lifecycle. When a team stops and re-evaluates the direction of a project every two weeks (or whatever timeframe is assigned to the iteration or sprint cycle), there’s always time to make adjustments and steer the project in another direction. In the next diagram, you can see how the top portion attributed to a waterfall planning cycle compares to the iterations in the bottom part that has several changes and adjustments. While this picture may be a bit humorous, consider how the Microsoft Project team used to deliver their projects. They would begin the process early with ideas of what of value would make their scheduling technology more attractive. Then, they would survey customers and partners to identify pain points, requirements and functionality that would help improve their technology. Then they’d spend the next three years building this functionality and release the product. In that three-year development cycle, they fine-tuned but mostly focused on the core functionality that was requested. After talking with stakeholders, they would release the latest upgrade and say, “Ta-da! This is what you told us three years ago. Do you like it?” As you know, the pace of technology, platforms and functionality changes monthly, if not weekly. (Think about the mobile device world.) This is why services such as Office 365 and the cloud allow instant visibility to iterative builds, releases, analytics and a much faster release time. It also why now, by managing work in a more iterative and dynamic way, the Microsoft Project team can produce solutions that better meet customer needs. Microsoft is hardly alone in adopting this methodology. Every major software company now works in a more agile fashion to meet the millennial appetite for faster gratification and more productive value for technical solutions. As a result, this “inspect-and-adapt” approach to projects greatly reduces both development costs and time to market. In the field of software development this approach is even more valuable because teams can develop software at the same time as they’re gathering requirements. Project teams no longer are stuck, when requirements are unclear or customers aren’t sure; the team can prototype the work and hold working iterative design-and-build sessions to help refine the solution or product. Senior stakeholders, executives and customers no longer have to wait for a solution. They can be sure that time-phased limitations exist so that value or functionality is continually produced vs. waiting for a final product before they get to see if the requirements were met. The ability to re-plan and refine creates a higher sense of satisfaction for both project teams and customers. Ultimately, solutions are delivered that can adapt to changing market conditions, new technologies or emerging requirements. 12 Principles of Agile In agile development, 12 primary principles guide the project teams, interactions and methodologies for delivery: Customer satisfaction is built by early and continuous delivery of valuable software. Teams welcome changing requirements, even in late development. Working software is delivered frequently (weeks rather than months). Close, daily cooperation occurs between business people and developers. Projects are built around motivated individuals, who should be trusted. Face-to-face conversation is the best form of communication (co-location). Working software is the principal measure of progress. Sustainable development — the ability to maintain a constant pace — is factored in. Teams pay continuous attention to technical excellence and good design. Simplicity — the art of maximizing the amount of work not done — is essential. Best architectures, requirements, and designs emerge from self-organizing teams. Regularly, the team reflects on how to become more effective and adjusts accordingly. These principles were defined in a 2001 meeting in the Wasatch mountains of Utah in which 17 insightful software developers came together to discuss lightweight development methods (and ski). From that meeting the group published the “Manifesto for Agile Software Development.” The manifesto stressed the pursuit of “uncovering better ways of developing software by doing it and helping others do it.” That challenge brought them to value individuals and interactions over processes and tools, working software over comprehensive documentation, customer collaboration over contract negotiation, and responding to change over following a plan. Other important values that surfaced: The ability of self-organization and motivation, as well as co-location and “pair” programming; the presentation of working software to clients rather than the presentation of documents; light requirements collection at the beginning followed up by continuous customer or stakeholder involvement; and quick response to change and continuous development. As Jim Highsmith, one of those original participants, explained in a history of the manifesto, “The agile movement is not anti-methodology; in fact, many of us want to restore credibility to the word methodology. We want to restore a balance. We embrace modeling, but not in order to file some diagram in a dusty corporate repository. We embrace documentation, but not hundreds of pages of never-maintained and rarely used tomes. We plan, but recognize the limits of planning in a turbulent environment.” Eventually, some of the participants formed the Agile Alliance, a non-profit organization that continues to promote software development according to the manifesto’s values and principles. Clearly, this 14-year initiative brought with it a passion for delivering value and results to technical development while avoiding the heavy and sometimes dogmatic approaches of the past. Making Sure Agile is the Right Fit A more dynamic and iterative approach to projects meets business needs when: Designs, solutions and product are done in an iterative and highly interactive approach; and Focusing on less documentation (up front) and more interaction and analysis of the requested solution makes time to adjust and make changes. Development is “time-boxed” — or allocated fixed amounts of time. I can’t state this part strongly enough. Without that in place you risk the prospect of endless rounds of changes and the possibility of working on a product that doesn’t market or user needs within a reasonable time. So it’s important when considering agile to ascertain when an agile process or methodology is the right fit for your project. For example, it doesn’t make sense to use the agile process when the ultimate product is already well specked out, such as the writing of a technical book or documenting a project. I’ll cover this topic more later in the series. The Many Methodologies of Agile A common metaphor for laying out agile methodologies is to show an umbrella under which are the various disciplines: Scrum, Kanban, dynamic systems development method (DSDM), feature-driven development (FDD), adaptive software development (ASD), eXtreme programming (XP), Lean and Crystal. (I’ll also go into more detail on some of these in future articles too.) Each discipline has its own strengths and merits. By the time this series is over, you’ll better understand how to leverage at least some of these methodologies — or elements of them — to fit your organizational needs. What’s This Have to Do with Scheduling Software? Whether you’re tracking tasks, bugs, epics, features or user stories, this action is commonly referred to “demand.” You can manage demand with many different tools and approaches. Some are designed to support the technical teams in a familiar platform such as Team Foundation Server (TFS), Version 1, Jira or other development tools. However, when you work in a PPM environment, you need to address demand — that is, work or tasks — in a forecasting tool that helps you look at time, costs, and resources in a time-phased breakout. In this situation, scheduling technologies such as Microsoft Project and Project Online really stand out. The secret is to create a planning and brainstorming process in which possible details aren’t found in Project but are tracked in their own respective tools. Then you use Project as a forecasting and demand-management or resource-capacity planning tool to keep track of the remaining work or count of tasks completed or remaining. Microsoft certainly isn’t sitting still. Future iterations of its Project portfolio will see increased support for agile project management. In our next article we’ll explore what features Project offers today — including templates — that allow you to become an agile project manager. Have questions? Make sure to post them in the comments below. Image Source

Creating Master Projects and Sub-projects

Creating Master Projects and Sub-projects

One of the key skills that we hear about in project management is gaining a handle on multiple projects and viewing the integration among them. This can be a pain point for project managers who don’t have access to an enterprise system such as Microsoft Project Server or Microsoft Project Online, but who still want to create views, reports and snapshots or link project files together (essentially, tying tasks from one project to another file). I find that the best way to create integrated activities as well as a snapshot report of work over time is to leverage the “master project” in Microsoft Project. In this article, I’m going to give you a few best practices around creating a master project. And in case you’re wondering, yes, these techniques will definitely scale if you need them to; my company has managed programs and portfolios of $500,000,000 and upwards using master projects. The Benefits of a Master Project Why use a master project? Master projects give you the ability to create a permanent collection of projects that can be viewed at any time; When viewing your project list, a master project enables you to view the master project and subprojects all at one time in a list; A master project lets you create consolidated project reporting; Master projects provide a way to link different project files together, meaning you can also link different tasks between project through the master project; and You can establish snapshots (non-linked schedules) so you can historically review progress over time vs. trying to have multiple columns of dates and times within a single file. Getting Started with Master Projects Before you begin creating your master project, you need to determine if you want each subproject’s SharePoint site to be available in the master project SharePoint site. If yes, then don’t publish the subproject until the master project is published. Once the subprojects have been saved, checked in and closed — but not published — you’re ready to create your master project. Here’s how: 1. Using Microsoft Project Pro, create a new blank project and select the subproject tab. 2. Navigate to your first subproject and click on it one time only. Then click the circle next to the appropriate mode and select insert. To add additional subprojects, select a new blank row within the master project and repeat steps 1 and 2. 3. Once you’ve selected all the subprojects you want to include in the master project, click the file tab to save your master project and any changes to the subprojects as needed 4. The dialogue box below will pop up, where you can name and save your master project. Select “No to all” if you’ve inserted your subprojects as read-only. Now you’re ready to publish or save your master project and create the SharePoint Site. 5. Select the File tab from Projects Ribbon. 6. Click “Publish” if you’re connected to Project Online or Project Server. If you’re working on a local file, select Save As and save the master project file into a local directory. Note that your subproject files also need to be accessible from the file that you’re using as a master, meaning that you should save them in a directory to which you have access. If you’re connected to an Enterprise version of Project, you’ll publish the changes. Note that you may choose to not save any changes to local files that were inserted. 7. The dialogue box below will pop-up; Select “No to all” if you’ve inserted your subprojects as read only or “Yes to all” if you want to update your local files with your changes. One of the nice parts about saving and publishing files into an Enterprise version of Project is that you can have Project Server or Project Online automatically create an entire SharePoint site that’s connected to your project. Then, if you decide to link files, documents, deliverables, issues and risks, you can have them connected and available for viewing or assign them to the actual tasks in Project. 8. The following dialogue box will pop up. Select “Publish” if you’re connected to the Enterprise version of Project. You’ll see the following dialog box to save all local files you’ve inserted. Once the publishing is complete, you can close and check the master project in. Now you’re ready to publish the subprojects. To do this, you’ll need the URL information from step 8. 9. Open the subproject and then click check out | File & Publish. Or if you’re saving a local version of Project, choose File Save As. 10. The dialogue box below will pop-up; select Publish. Close and check in the project. Repeat those steps for all subprojects. Creating Snapshots of Projects One way that you can create historical snapshots of single and multiple projects is to use the master project; but instead of having linked files, choose not to link them. This is an excellent way to take snapshots and — in Project 2007 or higher — gain the ability to compare project files against each other to identify the differences. Let’s look at an example. Click on the Project tab and select subproject. Once you’ve selected this, it will bring up the Insert Project dialogue box. Make sure you turn off the checkbox for “Link to project.” With Link to project turned off, any and all projects will simply be inserted as regular tasks with a summary task for the top level row of the project. Notice the standard Project file icon isn’t there. Each of these files are embedded as if you had copied and pasted them; they’re not linked to the original file. If you ever want to compare one version of a Project file to another, simply use the Compare Projects button found on the ribbon. If you’re in Project 2010, it will be found on the Projects tab. If you’re in Project 2013 or Project 2016, you’ll find it on the Reports tab. This screenshot shows Project 2013. The master project functionality gives you the ability to connect and view multiple files, do resource assignments, link tasks and create snapshots. It’s truly masterful. A version of this article initially appeared on the Advisicon blog here. Image Source  

What-if Scenarios with MS Project

Project Management Institute (PMI)® Professional Development Units (PDUs): This Webinar is eligible for 1 PMI® PDU in the Strategic Category of the Talent Triangle. Event Description: Project provides an excellent platform for managing projects, but many project managers struggle with utilizing the full power of Project to do “What-if” scenarios.  Come learn how to create powerful snapshots, scenario planning and leveraging combinations of views, custom fields and approaches for reporting and managing “What-if” options with MS Project Learning Objectives: o   Learn about Project Settings that allow for scalability for what if planning o   Learn how to leverage comparative analysis, snapshots and centralized views for what-if data o   Learn how to create powerful views in Project, visually showcasing scenario’s. Watch Part Two of this presentation, now on-demand! Presenter Info:  Tim Runcie, Advisicon Tim Runcie is one of only a few dozen industry recognized experts worldwide who focuses on project and portfolio management technology as a Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) in Project Server. Tim is the president of Advisicon Inc., an international consulting, application development and training services firm that helps organizations through process and methodology changes to get the most out of their project, program and portfolio management objectives that are directly tied to return on investment and corporate strategies. Tim understands that successful project management adoption requires changes in organizational culture, paired with learning new skills and strategies. That is why he developed Advisicon’s approach of Knowledge Transfer – Optimization – Sustained Results. Enabling organizations to create their own sustainable project management culture through consultative mentorship and guidance drives Tim’s passion for sharing his expertise and teaching. Learn more about Tim here: Lead Sheet_Runcie. Have you watched this webinar recording? Tell MPUG viewers what you think! [WPCR_INSERT]

Leveraging Project, Project Server and Project Online for Better Communications

Project Management Institute (PMI)® Professional Development Units (PDUs): This Webinar is eligible for 1 PMI® PDU in the Technical talent triangle category. If you are claiming this session, you must submit it to your MPUG Webinar History after it has been completed in its entirety. Event Description: MS Project, SharePoint and the Enterprise editions of Project (Project Online & Project Server) have key features than many project managers and team members fail to leverage to optimize their work practices and collaboration with stakeholders. Come see an overview focused on the communication elements of these systems working together. Learning Objectives: • Learn how Project, Project Online/Project Server and SharePoint have integrated features that provide better project & team communications • Understand how to leverage the features that best work with your needs and current capabilities Speaker Info:  Tim Runcie, Advisicon Tim Runcie is one of only a few dozen industry recognized experts worldwide who focuses on project and portfolio management technology as a Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) in Project Server. Tim is the president of Advisicon Inc., an international consulting, application development and training services firm that helps organizations through process and methodology changes to get the most out of their project, program and portfolio management objectives that are directly tied to return on investment and corporate strategies. Tim understands that successful project management adoption requires changes in organizational culture, paired with learning new skills and strategies. That is why he developed Advisicon’s approach of Knowledge Transfer – Optimization – Sustained Results. Enabling organizations to create their own sustainable project management culture through consultative mentorship and guidance drives Tim’s passion for sharing his expertise and teaching. Learn more about Tim. Have you watched this webinar recording? Tell MPUG viewers what you think! [WPCR_INSERT]

How to Reverse-Engineer a Microsoft Project Schedule

How to Reverse-Engineer a Microsoft Project Schedule

Steven Covey’s brilliant book, The 7 habits of Highly Effective People, outlined seven key steps. One of those steps was to start your day with the end in mind. In project management, this is a familiar scenario, where senior management has given a target or a goal with the end date and — in some cases — the budget laid out. Now the project manager has to figure out how to deliver this. In this article you’ll learn how to start your project planning with a finish date first and then reverse engineer your schedule backwards to a start date. So let’s get started. There are a few key ingredients needed to make this work. An end date; Some version of Microsoft Project, whether on your desktop or online (This will work with any version of Project from Project 98 forwards.); and A list of key activities the project will encompass. It’s common for project managers and schedulers to start with a schedule and wrestle through some of the obvious scheduling choices; but if you want the fewest numbers of clicks, avoid this common mistake in schedule creation: In the following diagram, you can see that I am showing the Task Entry view, where the Gantt Chart, the Task Sheet and the Task form are all close together and I have circled three key areas. These are the Predecessor relationships (there are certainly many more ways to edit this), but essentially we are showing a link (and the type of link) between task 1 and task 2.     Typing, clicking or double clicking any of these areas will allow you to drill down and select a different type of relationship. Typically, in creating a schedule, we want to link activities together. And by clicking, typing or double clicking, you are presented with several choices for establishing a relationship. In this next diagram, you will see a relationship type called Start-to-Finish. This can be used for reverse engineering, but it doesn’t allow your schedule to be easily managed in a forward progressing one, so avoid this. Why? Because the idea is that the start of one task will trigger the finish of another task. If you were building your schedule suing Start-to-Finish, you would be listing the finish date as Row 1, and then linking the next-to-the-last task as the second row in the schedule. This would leave you with the finish of your Project Schedule in row 1 with the following rows evolving to the beginning of your schedule, which could be row 279. As you can see with this next diagram, it’s not the easiest to manage a schedule.     Now that we’ve identified a common pitfall, let’s look at how to get this working correctly! Armed with your project end date or go-live date, you can start planning backwards this way. Click on the Project Tab (on the Ribbon) and select the Project Information button.           From the Project Information dialog box, choose the Schedule from dropdown choice and select Project Finish Date. This will allow you to enter your end date directly into the Finish Date field (which was greyed out before).                         Now start building your project schedule normally. You might want to try this approach: Enter the Finish date into row 1. Insert a new row above row 1, forcing the End Date Milestone or Activity to move to row 2. This essentially allows you to plan backwards, but to lay out the schedule as if you had typed it from the start. With each successive task you add, you will link and create the relationships in the normal way, but as you enter durations and link activities, watch your Project Start date continue to move backwards. In the diagram below, I used the same tasks as I used in the reverse-engineered schedule above. However, adding them in this order created a Project Start task at row 1 with the Project Complete task at the end of the schedule.     Let’s add some final touches here. With the end date you should put a deadline as you will most likely be moving or shortening the schedule, which means you’ll be tightly pressed in managing the schedule. Double-click on the last task or milestone (Project Complete) and click on the Advanced tab. Choose the end date Deadline. When you flip your schedule around, this will set a monitoring point that will help you later should your tasks move beyond the end date of the project. You can see this in the next picture.                     Once you have that chosen, click on the OK Button. In the screenshot below, you can see the end date now has a deadline icon on it. This will stay there as you move the project start date back, and it will help you identify slippage with an alert. Now if you started managing your project schedule, you would find that every time you typed a new duration, your project schedule would continue to push the start date back. What we need to do is tell Project what the new start date of the project is and to start scheduling from the start and move the end dates out. Remember how we set up the reverse engineering scheduling mode earlier? We are going to follow these steps again but choose to schedule from the start date. Click on the Project tab and select the Project Information button on the ribbon.           Select the Project Start Date from the Schedule From dropdown box. Make sure to choose the Project Start Date. Click the OK Button and you will now be able to manage your schedule normally, with the durations moving out the end date vs. the start date.                               As you make changes in your schedule, your deadline will help show when you will be moving over the set finish date. You are now ready to do reverse engineering quickly and effectively. Remember, the key steps in this planning technique is to remember to flip the schedule back around to get the benefits of both backwards planning and forward dynamic scheduling.   A version of this article first appeared on the Advisicon blog. Image courtesy of Quinn Dombrowski — CC 2.0

Webinar: Making Effective Business Decisions Using Microsoft Project

Project Management Institute (PMI)® Professional Development Units (PDUs): Project Management Institute (PMI)® Professional Development Units (PDUs): This Webinar is eligible for 1.5 PMI® PDU in the Technical Category of the Talent Triangle. Event Description: – How do we make sense of all that data? – Learn how MS Project and SharePoint 2010 provides powerful Business Intelligence (BI) capabilities to enable decision makes with the ability to transform raw data into meaningful and useful information. Learning Objectives: After this presentation, participants will: Learn about the powerful integrated BI capabilities built into Project / SharePoint 2010 Understand what a Mashup is and how they can create powerful dashboards using Web Parts Learn about the Performance Point analytics tools Learning Outcomes: Learners will learn key terms and definitions for Portfolio Analytics Learners will learn the key relationships between Portfolio analysis and Business Intelligence (BI) Learners will come away with a basic understanding of how Business Intelligence (BI) to transforms raw data into meaningful and useful information. About the Presenters: Mark “Doc” Dochtermann, PMP, PMI-SP, CISSP, MCITP Mark Dochtermann is the co-author of Making Effective Business Decisions Using Microsoft Project. He has over 30 years of project management experience, as a certified Project Manager Professional (PMP)® and Scheduling Professional (PMI-SP)® with The Project Management Institute (PMI)®, a certified Information Security Specialist (CISSP) with the Information Systems Security Association (ISSA), and a Microsoft Certified Information Technology Professional (MCITP). During his extensive project management career, Mark has managed projects for large organizations including Amoco, IBM, Oracle, Microsoft, Kellogg’s, MCI Business Systems, the State of California Department of Child Support Services, and the 1988 Winter Olympics Organizing Committee. Mark has an extensive background in scheduling for large and complex projects, and possesses an outstanding customer-focused reputation. His extensive experience allows him to write material relevant to all levels within an organization from operations staff to senior level management. Mark is currently the Manager of Portfolio Strategy for Xerox State Healthcare, LLC. In his current role, he establishes Portfolio management strategy for the California MediCAL Management Information Systems (CA-MMIS) program. Mark is also a founding member of the Technology Member Advisory Group (TechMAG) for PMI® Global. Tim Runcie, MCTS, MCP, MVP, PMP Tim Runcie is an established author, having written over 20 books on various disciplines and technologies related to project management. As one of only a few dozen industry-recognized experts worldwide who focuses on project and portfolio management technology as a Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) in Project Server, Tim contributes an unsurpassed level of knowledge and experience to each of his books. As the President of Advisicon, Tim has over 25 years of experience in information systems and 12 years of construction project management experience. During his career he has guided organizations in successfully managing competing initiatives using scarce resources, fixed budgets and interconnected schedules. He is particularly adept at establishing project methodologies that are adopted into the project management culture of organizations and creating custom tools to expedite and automate the project management process. Tim’s true love is teaching. When not leading or mentoring organizations, he is actively involved in writing books, teaching courses, and developing training programs. To every book, course and project he brings a personal passion for education and a commitment to providing customers with a full set of skills and tools to achieve optimum success. Tim understands that successful project management adoption requires changes in organizational culture, paired with learning new skills and strategies. Enabling organizations to create their own sustainable project management culture through consultative mentorship and guidance drives Tim’s passion for sharing his expertise and teaching. Have you watched this webinar recording? Tell MPUG viewers what you think! [WPCR_INSERT]

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