Author: Ronald B. Smith, MBA, PMP

Ronald Smith has over four decades of experience as Senior PM/Program Manager. He retired from IBM having written four books and over four dozen articles (for example, PMI’s PM Network magazine and MPUG) on project management, and the systems development life cycle (SDLC). He’s been a member of PMI since 1998 and evaluates articles submitted to PMI’s Knowledge Shelf Library for potential publication. From 2011 - 2017, Ronald had been an Adjunct Professor for a Master of Science in Technology and taught PM courses at the University of Houston’s College of Technology. Teaching from his own book, Project Management Tools and Techniques – A Practical Guide, Ronald offers a perspective on project management that reflects his many years of experience. Lastly in the Houston area, he has started up two Toastmasters clubs and does voluntary work at various food banks.

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Setting Up a Project File: Microsoft Project Templates, Shortcuts, and Best Practices

Learn how to set up a project file in Microsoft Project 2019 Professional desktop edition using templates, key aspects, and shortcuts.

How Risk and Quality Management are Interlinked

How Risk and Quality Management are Interlinked

Quality management is not independent of risk management. Both should be managed together, and are two sides of the same coin.

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Infrastructure Improvements: Guidance on How to Be Successful

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Project Information Repository

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The Project Information Repository (PIREP) is a fundamental tool for managing and administering software development projects. It should be an online database accessible to all team members and contain key information such as milestones, risks, issues, changes, meetings, and decisions

Displaying Values Graphically

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How to Quickly Calculate Your Project’s Risks for Success

How to Quickly Calculate Your Project’s Risks for Success

Assessing Risk Countless studies over the last four decades point to similar findings: Approximately 50% of projects you undertake will be late and/or over budget, and approximately 25% will be cancelled. The success of a project depends on people, not on technology or tools. It crosses all industries, from manufacturing to financial services. The weighted scoring model below is intended to help you perform a quick risk assessment, to determine the probability of success on a current or new project. How To Use the Weighted Scoring Model for Project Assessment Answer the questions with 1 for “Yes,” and 0 for “No.” Each question is assigned a “success weight,” which you will use to calculate your percentage for predicted success. Any result less than 75% suggests that you could be headed for trouble unless you have an action plan to change key “No” answers to “Yes.” You can add your own critical success questions that apply to your project. Be sure to add a corresponding success weight and recalculate. Figure 1: Weighted Scoring Model for Project Assessment Possibilities Now we can take the above model and expand it to look at different weighted scores for multiple projects. Figure 2 shows the comparisons of three new project requests. Most organizations have many new project requests, and not enough money, time, equipment, or resources available to implement all of them. For this reason, they need a consistent selection process to pick the right projects. In the below example, Project 2 would be the obvious choice for selection, because it has the highest weighted score. Figure 2: Assessment for Three New Project Requests Now let’s look at another possible scenario in Figure 2. Projects 1 and 2 are new requests, and Project 3 is a current project that is 30% completed. If Project 2, with the highest weighted score, adds more value in faster time, then Project 3 could be put on “hold” to be restarted later, or eventually dropped. Summary A weighted scoring model is a helpful systematic process for selecting projects that have a high chance of being successful. The Weighted Scoring Model for Project Assessment in Figure 1 will need to be periodically reviewed for possible updates over time, to adjust project criteria and the associated success weights. Do you use a weighted scoring model to assess project success, or will you experiment with ours? Your thoughts in the comment section below are appreciated.

Killing a Project

Killing a Project

Introduction Management reviews, sometimes referred to by project managers as phase exits, stage gates, or kill points, are very important for keeping projects on track. These moments serve as decision point for if a project should be continued, re-assigned, or canceled. Remember that each project is just one part of an entire system an organization has, and changes in other parts of the organization might affect a project’s status. By breaking projects down into phases, management can make sure that their projects are still compatible with the changing needs of the organization. In addition to management reviews, it is important to have management involvement throughout the life cycle of most projects, especially for long-term, large projects. Typically, the executive sponsor or executive steering committee of the project makes the final decision on stopping or killing the venture. Thomas Edison, whose key to success was that he failed often, said of himself, “he could recognize a dead horse before it started to smell.” Unfortunately, in the history of IT, there are too often failing projects (or dead horses) that linger. It’s okay to let a project go if it no longer makes sense! Project cancelation comes from draining cost overruns, schedule overruns, changes in budget, changed or forestalled goals of the project, political factors, rocky project performance, lost stakeholder/user support interest, too many high risks, or any combination of those and other factors. The most common reason for canceling a project is a change in organizational priorities. Sometimes more important projects are just waiting for attention. It’s important to note that contracts often specify the time and way a project may be canceled. Post-Project Review When a project is completed or terminated, there should be a post-project review. Some project managers don’t waste the time performing this review when a project is terminated. I don’t agree with this. Terminated projects are especially important to learn from! Clearly analyze and name the causes that contributed to the premature ending of a project, and remember that pieces (specifically, intellectual property) of the canceled project could possibly be used in the future. Capitalizing on such can help lessen the costly expense of termination. Learn from mistakes made, so that you don’t repeat them again and so you can improve your future projects. Remember, successive recurrences of the same negative situation are not mistakes – they are evidence of neglect. Neglect always carries a high cost and can mean taking fewer profits to the bank. I like to keep in mind the following quote from George Santayana, Spanish-born American philosopher, and humorist, “Those who can’t remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” More Tips When you are getting ready to kill a project, make sure you really can’t save it. As part of a thorough investigation into whether a project must be canceled, review the original scope of work, the skillsets of those involved, the required materials, the testing process, the expectations of the sponsors, and any other factors that contributed to the project reaching a kill point. Don’t play the blame game! Usually, when a project needs to be canceled, several people have made (big) mistakes somewhere along the way. No matter who is to blame, you won’t do yourself any favors by pointing the finger. Hopefully, you work in a positive culture where people are not punished for bringing forth “bad news.” Make sure you communicate the reasons why you had to pull the plug. This is critical because it helps sponsors, employees, and customers all understand that a cancelation doesn’t mean other projects are in jeopardy. If you must cancel multiple projects that are interconnected, try hard not to cause your team stress. Make plans on what to do with the resources that were allocated to the canceled project. For example, employees may be reassigned to other projects and/or pursue additional training. Contractors might have to be let go or reassigned. Any recommendations for changing the development process should be submitted and considered quickly. No process is perfect in its original design, and rapidly changing business needs will continue to challenge the process, so ensure the post-project review receives the necessary attention. I believe project managers in the IT field and in other industries are getting better at identifying “dead horses,” which means we can reduce cost, time overruns, and increase our success rates. Your thoughts in the comment section below are appreciated. This is my fifty MPUG article (or the equivalent of a book), which is a milestone for me. I want to thank the MPUG team and my valuable editor, Jana Phillips, for her outstanding support in making my work straightforward and satisfying.

The Shape of Projects

The Shape of Projects

In this article, I’m referring to IT projects with the ‘shape’ of them being their visible form. Projects, IT projects in particular, come in many different shapes (i.e., plans). The PMBOK (A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge) states that a project is a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service, or result. The temporary nature means that a project has a definite beginning and end. The duration can be short, or it can be long, but deliverables likely exist beyond the end of the project and could even last for centuries (for example, the pyramids in Egypt or the Great Wall of China). Projects drive change. Factors that lead to the creation of a Project The following are examples of factors that lead to the creation of a project: New technology Competitive forces Material issues Political changes Market demand Economic changes Customer request Stakeholder demands Legal requirement Business Process Improvements Strategic opportunity Social need Environmental Considerations More Project Attributes A project is developed using ongoing consistent elaboration. Projects are often defined generally when they begin, and as time passes, the specific details of the project’s design and configuration become clearer. Therefore, projects should be developed in increments, so you can identify the effort shaping the design of them. This process defines what the feature does, how it works, and where it fits into existing flows. It includes combining interface ideas with technical possibilities and business priorities. Keep in mind that most IT projects usually require resources from different areas or departments. This includes people, hardware, software, and other types of resources. Projects involve uncertainty because every project is distinctive. It’s sometimes difficult to define appearance clearly, estimate how long something will take to complete, or determine how much it will cost. This uncertainty is one of the main reasons project management is so difficult, especially when new technologies are involved. Every project should have a primary customer or sponsor. The project sponsor usually provides the guidance and financial support for the project. Sponsors for projects should be from senior management in charge of the main parts of the organization impacted by the projects. Project Constraints Every project is constrained in different ways—by scope, time, cost, and quality. To create a successful project, a project manager needs to balance these often-competing goals: Scope Management involves the work effort required to ensure all defined requirements are properly produced and verified. Time Management deals with the mechanics of translating the scope into defined work units/activities required to meet the deliverables. Cost Management refers to the various activities and processes that drive the budget process (for example, resources and/or material costs). The project manager then establishes a control function to guide the project as it progresses. Quality Management is oriented to the customer and is made up of two key parts: quality assurance (QA) and quality control (QC). Whereas QA is process-oriented, QC is product oriented. The goal here is to meet the needs and expectations of the customers by rating progress against certain defined metrics. Other project restraints may include Human Resources management, communications management, risk management, procurement management, and integration management. There are many project management tools and techniques available to assist the manager and their teams in conducting the above constraints or knowledge areas. Development Process Defining the right development process (i.e., Waterfall and/or Agile methodology) for your organization will have a profound impact on controlling the schedule, costs, and quality of a project. The PMBOK is a good starting point for developing/creating the best methodology or model for your organization. An organization should strive to have as few development models as possible. Project members will be most effective and productive using a model that they understand, have experience with, and that everyone can get behind. Familiarity with an acceptable model will aid significantly in the continual successful implementation of that model. Summary Setting project boundaries requires figuring out how much time the raw idea is worth and how the project should be defined. This process gives us the basic boundaries to start shaping what an IT project will look like. Of course, a QA attribute is a measurable or testable property of a system that is used to indicate how well the result satisfies the needs of its stakeholders. Your thoughts on project shapes in the comment section below are appreciated.